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Current Status And Future Development Trends of Single And Double Glass Module Markets
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Current Status And Future Development Trends of Single And Double Glass Module Markets

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Current Status And Future Development Trends of Single And Double Glass Module Markets

Current status and future development trends of single and double glass module markets

Europe is the second largest photovoltaic market in the world after China, accounting for about 20% of global photovoltaic demand (China 50%, the United States 10%, India and Brazil each account for 3%). According to statistics from the European Photovoltaic Industry Association (SolarPowerEurope), a total of 56GW of new photovoltaic installed capacity will be added in Europe in 2023, mainly reflected in distributed photovoltaic installation projects such as rooftop and balcony types, mainly in Germany, Italy, Poland and the Netherlands. , most of them choose components that can bear the weight of the building as the main selection. However, Spain and Portugal, whose main installations are concentrated in centralized projects, mainly use double-sided double-glass components.

In the future, the technological development and market share trends of single- and double-sided modules may have a certain impact on the selection of European modules. This article will elaborate on the product characteristics, recent technological developments, and future market share changes of single- and double-sided modules.

Comparative overview of product characteristics of single-sided and double-sided modules

There are significant differences between single-sided and double-sided photovoltaic modules. Single-sided photovoltaic modules can only receive sunlight from the front and are protected by a backsheet on the back. Since single-glass modules are lighter in weight, single-glass modules can save manpower, transportation and other systemic costs. , especially suitable for installation in sites with high weight requirements, but they are prone to thermal expansion and have weaker protection than double-glass modules. They are especially suitable for installation on traditional roofs, and the production and installation costs are relatively low; double-sided photovoltaic modules are Both sides can generate electricity, which is particularly suitable for environments with strong reflected light, such as white flat roofs or desert areas, where the power generation income is significantly higher. Since the protective properties of glass are stronger than those of backplanes, double-glass modules can be used in extreme areas such as plateaus and deserts. Therefore, double-glass modules are a popular choice for large-scale centralized projects. Generally speaking, in terms of technical performance, cost, market demand, etc., single-glass and double-glass modules have their own advantages and disadvantages. Each has unique advantages and applicable scenarios. It is still necessary to consider the overall needs and application scenarios before selecting modules. In the future, it will also be necessary to Continue to pay attention to information related to cost reduction and technology optimization.

The introduction of LECO technology and the use of EVA film particles effectively improve efficiency and reduce costs

In terms of technology optimization, major manufacturers have begun to introduce laser-assisted sintering technology (Laser-enhanced contact optimization, LECO) in recent years. LECO technology first started in 2016. It mainly uses low-corrosion silver paste and low-temperature sintering to increase the battery opening voltage, which can effectively solve the problem of silver. It solves the contact problem of slurry and improves the conversion efficiency of TOPCon batteries by 0.2-0.4%, with the same component wattage gain of 5-10 watts. In 2024, when the penetration rate of TOPCon batteries increases significantly, LECO has become the industry's standard technology.

N-type TOPCon components have now become the mainstream product in the industry. Since TOPCon components are prone to problems such as water vapor penetration and corrosion, and can cause power attenuation after humidity and heat tests, due to concerns about water resistance and reliability, the selection of film particles In terms of shape, in the early stage, double-glass components had to use POE, which has a more stable molecular chain structure, better water resistance, and good PID resistance. Considering factors such as the higher price of POE particles, manufacturers have gradually switched to EPE co-extruded film. , EPE co-extrusion film is made of three-layer composite co-extrusion of EVA-POE-EVA film. Its performance is between EVA and POE film. As for single-glass components, most use a combination of POE+EVA.

However, with the introduction of aluminum-free or low-aluminum silver paste in LECO technology, which effectively solves the corrosion problems caused by the original use of silver-aluminum paste, more and more manufacturers have begun to try to use lower-cost double EVA film in TOPCon components. Combination, de-POE packaging materials, if this solution can pass the reliability test, it will lead to a further reduction in photovoltaic demand for POE particles after 2024, resulting in an oversupply of POE particles, thereby further reducing the dual BOM cost of glass components. At present, head component companies have made breakthroughs in using double EVA film combinations on TOPCon double glass, and the penetration rate of double EVA film will become higher and higher in the future.

Future market share and development trends of single and double-sided modules

Looking back on 2023, the market share of N-type modules has gradually surpassed that of P-type modules. However, in view of the doubts about water resistance and reliability of N-type single-sided modules at that time, nearly 90% of N-type modules last year adopted double-sided designs. The market share reached approximately 64% last year, of which approximately 3% were bifacial single-glass modules, while the market share of single-facial modules was approximately 34%.

As the penetration rate of N-type modules continues to increase in 2024, it is expected to reach more than 70% of the market share this year. Recently, various module manufacturers have also tried to optimize N-type cells and single-glass modules, trying to solve the obstacles faced by N-type single-glass modules. Water-based and reliability issues include the introduction of LECO technology, optimization of the slurry system, and the development of selective barrier functional backsheets. However, since the follow-up still needs time to ferment, coupled with the gradual decline of P-type modules this year, and the fact that N-type single-glass modules are still unable to be mass-produced this year, double-glass modules are expected to reach a record high in recent years. It is estimated that this year The market share of bifacial modules will increase to 75%, while that of single-facial modules will drop to 23%.

Looking forward to 2025, since there will still be a significant cost difference between double-glass and single-glass modules, and the water resistance and reliability optimization technology of N-type cells and single-glass modules are expected to gradually mature, subsequent single-glass modules will not necessarily have to adopt higher-cost modules. POE or EPE co-extruded films can be replaced with EVA film particles to reduce the cost of single-glass modules. Under the influence of effective cost reduction and technology optimization, it is expected that the market share of double-sided modules will fall back to 73% next year, and single-glass modules will Noodle components rose slightly to 25%.

By 2026 and 2027, it is expected that as the water resistance and reliability of N-type cells and single-glass modules continue to be optimized, the market share of bifacial modules will continue to decline to 68-70%, and the market share of single-facial modules will gradually increase to 28-30% , the demand for EVA film particles will also gradually increase, but it is expected that bifacial modules will maintain a market share of more than 65% until at least 2027 or even 2028. In the future, we must continue to pay attention to the technological development and market changes of single-facial modules.


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